Duterte gets 86% trust rating nationwide, according to latest Pulse Asia survey

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte delivers a speech at the Davao international airport terminal building early on September 30, 2016, shortly after arriving from an official visit to Vietnam. Duterte on September 30 drew a parallel with his deadly crime war and Hitler's massacre of Jews, as he said he was "happy to slaughter" millions of drug addicts. / AFP PHOTO / MANMAN DEJETO
File photo of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte when he delivered a speech at the Davao international airport terminal building early on September 30, 2016, shortly after arriving from an official visit to Vietnam.  The latest Pulse Asia survey showed majority of Filipinos still trust Duterte and approve of his work in the last three months of his presidency.


(Eagle News) – President Duterte continued to enjoy a high trust rating of 86 percent, according to the latest survey of Pulse Asia this September. 

But the latest trust rating was slightly down by five percentage points compared to his 91 percent rating in July just after his inauguration as President.

The nationwide “Ulat ng Bayan” survey released on Wednesday October 12 showed Duterte still trusted by the majority, although losing most percentage points in Metro Manila where his rating dropped from a previous record of 92 percent to 81 percent this September.

Pulse Asia’s nationwide survey is based on a sample of 1,200 representative adults 18 years old and above with a 3 percent margin of error.

The poll was conducted from September 25 to October 1.

It said 86 percent of the respondents approved of the President’s performance, and that 11 percent was undecided, while only three percent disapproved.

In July, the President had only a record of 0.2 percent distrust rating.    This slightly increased in the latest survey to 3 percent.

Still, Pulse Asia, noted that the very slight decline in the President’s national trust rating is “not considered significant,” because the marginal movement in the score still falls within the +/-3 percentage points.

“Appreciation for his work and trust in him are sentiments expressed by most Filipinos (86%) toward President Rodrigo R. Duterte,” the report of Pulse Asia noted.

The President enjoyed major approval scores in all geographic areas and socio-economic classes.

He enjoyed the highest trust rating in his home region, Mindanao, with 96 percent.  He also had a high trust rating among Class E members at 88 percent.

In Metro Manila, Dutete scored 81 percent.  Her also had 82 percent in Balance Luzon and 86 percent in the Visayas.   

The President also got an 85 percent trust rating from Class ABC and Total D.

Earlier, the Social Weather Stations gave Duterte an “excellent” + 76 net trust ratings in his first three months.