Duterte vows to pursue peace with Marxist Guerillas

Rodrigo Duterte became the 16th president of the Philippines on Monday, May 30 when a joint session of congress declared him winner of a May 9 election, succeeding Benigno Aquino who steps down next month after six years in office.

The tough-talking Duterte, Mayor of Davao City in the south, campaigned on the single issue of crushing crime and now faces a daunting task of fixing infrastructure, creating jobs and lifting more than a quarter of the 100 million population out of poverty.

Among several appointments Duterte has announced is Ernesto Pernia, an Economics Professor from the University of the Philippines, as Economic Planning Secretary, and a former Agriculture Secretary, Carlos Dominguez, as Finance Minister.

The president also inherits a territorial dispute with china but he has indicated his willingness to repair strained ties by inviting Chinese investment and offering to set aside sovereignty issues in exploring resources in the South China Sea. He has said he will not abandon Philippine claims.

Duterte has also said he would pursue peace with Marxist guerrillas and has even offered their leaders government roles.

He has said he wanted a more even distribution of power and wealth and has called on congress to revise a 1987 constitution to allow for a more federal system of government to accommodate Muslim rebels in the south. (Eagle News)

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