Exclusive: Various Sites Around the World Gear Up for INC World Wide Walk

It is just three days away and the excitement is already palpable as the various sites gear up for the upcoming “INC World Wide Walk For Those Affected by Typhoon Haiyan”.

The international effort promises to set a world record, as hundreds of thousands are expected to participate in the momentous event.

“INC World Wide Walk” will be held in major cities around the globe: 6 in Europe, 7 in Australia, 8 in Asia and 34 in the United States of America.

In the Philippines, 85 sites will participate in the event. In total, the  “INC World Wide Walk” will be held in 27 countries and across 13 time zones.

Note: Click the upper right “i” to show more info or click image to enlarge.

The members of the Alliance of Computer Technology and Information Volunteers or ACTIV will also help in publicizing the event with the help of modern technology and social media.  The group conducted online coordination, making sure that they are more than prepared in providing real-time and exclusive updates while the event is ongoing.

As a teaser for the said event, many members of ACTIV sent video footages of the locations where the event will be simultaneously held, as well as pictures and maps, helping those that will participate in also preparing for the big day!

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In all, everyone is ready and excited for February 15.