Family of Filipino death row inmate visit Indonesia

The family members of a Filipino inmate facing death penalty on drug convictions in Indonesia visited her in the prison on Thursday (January 14), as she celebrated her 31st birthday this week.

The family of Mary Jane Veloso visiting her in Yogyakarta prison in Indonesia. Veloso was sentenced to death by firing squad in Indonesia for drug trafficking, but was spared last April after officials in Manila asked Indonesian President Joko Widodo to allow her to give evidence to an investigation into the network that allegedly recruited her.

Parents of Mary Jane Veloso, Cesar and Celia, as well as Veloso’s children Mark Daniel and Mark Darren were accompanied by staff from the Philippines embassy in Jakarta.

The family declined to comment on the visit.

Veloso was spared from the firing squad last April after officials in Manila asked Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo to allow her to give evidence to an investigation into the network that allegedly recruited her.

The Philippines may renew its appeal for clemency for her depending on the outcome of the investigation.

Indonesia executed eight drug traffickers, including seven foreigners, in April last year sparking condemnation from international community. (Reuters)

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