Based on the poll question: Do you believe that the country will be better off if we adopt a federal system of government? Make it seem like the majority of the people who participated in that poll believed that we are in need to change our government. Is it because our countrymen are already awake from the deep slumber that they had, since the beginning of the democratic government that we are still practicing until now? Or is it because having a federal government is trending and netizens are talking about it everywhere?
The reason behind their answers doesn’t matter, what matter is their knowledge and views on the federal system. Why? Because they wouldn’t say yes if they think it is not good for the people; and they wouldn’t say no if they think that the federal system will be the effective government for the Filipinos.
It is given that people have different views and opinions in a single matter, and these differences cause misunderstanding on both parties. One side is open to change while the other one is stuck in the old system and tries to improve it. Our opinions may vary and we might think differently from the majority, but at the end of the day we are still Filipinos and whatever decision wins, all of us will be facing its consequences.
We should not be selfish in making decisions. If you are one of the people who answered the poll, try to contemplate if your answer is for the benefit of the majority, if not then there is something wrong with that decision. Not because the majority is talking about the federal system doesn’t mean it is good and applicable to our country, and not because you said No to federal system doesn’t mean that we should not change completely.
There is no doubt about why people think that the federal system will be good for us,it’s because people think that change is a constant thing and we should adopt changes to achieve progress. People are craving for change, but the question is, are we ready for it? Before we demand for progress, we should be ready for its consequences and for the possible problems it may bring.
Though the result of the poll is that; people think we should adopt the federal system for our government doesn’t necessarily mean that we should adopt it. Remember, the poll is just a survey and it is not the determining factor of what will happen in the 2016 election. The decision is in our hands, and it is up to us whether we will choose to adopt the federal system and face its consequences or we will stick to the traditional system and wait until the progress come.
This coming election, we should be wise enough in choosing our leader, because our one vote can change the life of our countrymen. We are given the power to elect who will be leading us, and we should choose the leader who will lead us to the progress, who will give us the change for the better
(Written by Judy Anne Casamayor, edited by Mary Rose Faith Bonalos )