Filipinos rejoice after news a Filipina convict was not among those executed by Indonesia

Filipinos_rejoice_after_news_a_Filipina_convict_was_not_among_Indonesia_executedAPRIL 29 (Reuters) — Activists outside the Indonesian Embassy in Manila erupted in cheers on Wednesday (April 29) after learning about Indonesia’s decision to delay the execution of a Filipina on death row.

A spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office in Indonesia said the execution of Mary Jane Veloso, a mother of two who was arrested in 2010 after she arrived in Indonesia with 2.6 kg of heroin hidden in her suitcase, had been delayed.

He said the delay came in response to a request from Manila after a drug courier gave herself up to police in the Philippines on Tuesday.

Hundreds of supporters who were holding an overnight vigil outside the embassy, clapped their hand hugged each other in relief.

“We are overjoyed with the fact that Mary Jane Veloso lives and this is all because of the efforts of the Filipino people and the international community who have been with Mary Jane, her family and the Filipino people all throughout,” said Cristina Palabay, spokesperson of the human rights group Karapatan.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino said on Tuesday that he had made one last appeal to the Indonesian government to spare Veloso, arguing that she could be a vital witness in prosecuting drug syndicates.

Eight drug-trafficking convicts from several countries were executed by an Indonesian firing squad shortly after midnight on Wednesday (April 29), local media reported. Veloso, who was initially also going to be executed alongside the others, was spared in the last minute.

Indonesia has harsh punishments for drug crimes and resumed executions in 2013 after a five-year gap. (Manila, Philippines)