Galvez formally takes helm of 85,000-strong Armed Forces; Guerrero retires from military service


Lieutenant General Carlito Galvez who served as overall commander of military operations during the Marawi siege, formally assumed the military’s top post on Wednesday, April 18./RTVM/

By Mar Gabriel
Eagle News Service

Western Mindanao Command head Lieutenant General Carlito Galvez formally took the helm of the 85,000-strong military in change of command ceremonies in Camp Aguinaldo on Wednesday, April 18.

Galvez, who was the overall commander of military operations during the Marawi siege, replaced General Rey Leonardo Guerrero, who bowed out of military service after 38 years.

Guerrero reached his mandatory age of retirement on December 17 last year, but the President extended his term for four months.

This came as the government geared up for the rehabilitation of Marawi, which had been attacked by local terrorists in May.

In his acceptance speech, Galvez thanked President Duterte for the “trust and confidence” he gave to him as the 50th AFP chief of the country.

He also pledged to continue the war against drugs, and to “walk the path of peace.”

“The battle in Marawi has just recently showed us how truly destructive violent extremism can be,” Galvez said.

He vowed to crush the Abu Sayyaf, and urged communist rebels to “abandon (their) pointless struggle,” noting that “hundreds” of their comrades have already surrendered.

He also renewed the military’s commitment to the peace process with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Moro National Liberation Front.

“I pledge to do what is right and pleasing to Him,” Galvez said.

In his speech, Guerrero, for his part, urged the soldiers to “think about the institution and the nation before (themselves).”

“The AFP is a professional organization. It is not a social club..Stay the course. Stay true to the core values of honor, service, patriotism and live up to the ideals of public service..,” he said.

As for the military officials, he said they “must know where to go.”

“Always remember, your example is the benchmark of everyone else..Thus, keep your word. Fulfill your oath every single day..,” he said.






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