Gov’t warns transport groups vs illegal 50-centavo fare hike


MANILA, Philippines — Government warns transport groups against their planned 50-centavo fare hike today (March 24) saying that they would face sanctions if they would proceed with the fare hike implementation which was without the permission from the government.

Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, in a radio interview over the state-run DZRB Radyo ng Bayan, said the public transport group members who expressed their intent to increase their fare by 50 centavos should first seek the approval of the  Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB).

LTFRB Chairman Winston Ginez warned that any fare increase without a consultation and appropriate documentation is illegal.

He said that violators would face suspension or cancellation of their franchise.

Malacanang said transport groups should also consider how a fare hike would affect the general public, especially since such a fare hike had not been properly reviewed and discussed.

Any fare hike to be implemented today will be illegal, the LTFRB said.

But some transport groups, including the Philippine Jeepney Operators & Drivers Alliance Foundation Inc.,   insisted that they can implement the fare hike even without a hearing or necessary document from the LTFRB.

They want to implement a minimum fare of P8.50 today.  ( with a report from Philippine News Agency)