Hillary Clinton blasts Donald Trump plan to ban Muslims

wpid-wp-1449642177908.pngDemocratic Presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Tuesday (December 8) blasted Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States saying the candidate has made a name for himself “trafficking in prejudice and paranoia.”

Clinton, campaigning in Salem, New Hampshire said “His latest insult is his call is to stop all Muslims from entering the United States. This is both a shameless and a dangerous idea. At a time when America should be doing everything we can to lead the fight to defeat ISIS and other radical jihadists, Donald Trump is playing right into their hands.”

Clinton added that in order to defeat jihadists, “We have to work with Muslims in our country and around the world.”

On Monday (December 7) Trump called for blocking Muslims, including would-be immigrants, students, tourists and other visitors, from entering the country following last week’s California shooting spree by two Muslims who authorities said were radicalized.

Trump’s remarks followed last week’s massacre in San Bernardino, California, by a Muslim couple. The husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, was U.S.-born. The wife, Tashfeen z, was born in Pakistan and came to the United States from Saudi Arabia. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Monday the couple had been radicalized.(Reuters)