Honduran leader declares himself election winner

Honduran President and presidential candidate Juan Orlando Hernandez waves to supporters in Tegucigalpa after the general elections on November 26, 2017.
Honduras’ six million voters are to cast ballots in a controversial election Sunday in which President Juan Orlando Hernandez is seeking a second mandate despite a constitutional one-term limit. This small country is at the heart of Central America’s “triangle of death,” an area plagued by gangs and poverty. / AFP PHOTO

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AFP) — Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez declared himself the winner of elections before official results were announced — and his top rival did the same.

“I’m very content, happy, because I’ve been seeing… a huge number of exit polls and real-time processing of the ballots and the result is more than clear: we won this election,” Hernandez told a crowd that cheered him in the capital.

Shortly after his announcement, Salvador Nasralla of the leftist Alliance Against the Dictatorship coalition also proclaimed himself to be the winner.

© Agence France-Presse

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