Huge sinkhole opens in heart of Canada capital

A large portion of Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa, Ontario is seen caved in, causing a massive sinkhole that knocked out power to the majority of the downtown area on June 8, 2016.
The massive sinkhole formed next to a shopping mall in downtown Ottawa, caused a gas leak and forced the evacuation of all nearby businesses. / AFP PHOTO /

OTTAWA, Canada (AFP) — A massive sinkhole opened up Wednesday on a busy road in the heart of Ottawa, forcing the evacuation of a nearby hotel, convention center and major shopping center in the Canadian capital city.

No injuries were reported but a parked van and a lamp post were swallowed up as the hole quickly grew in size, stretching the width of the four-lane road.

Authorities pointed to a watermain break as the likely cause, but construction of a subway line in the area was also suspected.

“No city wants to see this kind of a sinkhole, but I can tell you that if you looked back in the last year there’s probably a major sink hole in every city at least once a week somewhere in North America or around the world,” Mayor Jim Watson told a press conference.

The hole, at a busy intersection only two blocks from parliament, was expected to disrupt traffic and bus services for weeks or months, and possibly a North American leaders summit at the end of June.

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