Iglesia Ni Cristo holds International Aid for Humanity in Toronto, Canada

(Eagle News) — The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) held an Aid for Humanity in Toronto, Canada on Sept. 21, 2018 where it gave thousands of “care packages” including food items and winter articles to residents who came to the event.

At least 4,000 care packages were distributed to those in need in Toronto who came to the event’s venue at the Queen Eizabeth Building, Canada National Exhibition Place.

Under the directive of INC Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, the Church Of Christ — through its charitable arm Felix Y. Manalo Foundation — helped thousands of poor residents in Toronto.

Organizers said that they will also distribute more “care packages” in the streets to reach more people in need.

During the event, INC General Auditor Glicerio B. Santos also gave check donations to various organizations in Toronto.

The INC has been doing such humanitarian programs all over the world in fulfillment of God’s commandments to do good to those who need it whenever you possibly can. (Proverbs 3:27)

Those who came to the INC charitable event in Toronto thanked the Church for holding the Aid for Humanity in their area.

“We really appreciate the help to the community. The community is very grateful for your support and you’re really giving back to those in need. It’s a very powerful event,” said Carolann Barr Director of Newcomer Services of the Neighborhood Organization Shelter.

Hani Bashir, representative of the Matthew House Toronto Shelter, said he was impressed with how the INC had been doing such activities globally.

“This is something big really. When you see this kind of crowd and when you see this people with this kind of feeling here,” he said upon witnessing the event at Canada’s Exhibition Place.

“Globally, you see how they organize these events, and how they put all the efforts. It’s always good to support the people who are needy,” he added.

Nikita Moriarity, representative officer of Homes First, said that it was “fantastic” that the people out in the streets will be getting something for the coming winter, and thanked the INC for organizing such a charity event.

Debbie Kikalendran, representative of the Canadian Center For Refugee and Immigrant Healthcare, expressed appreciation for the INC’s socio-civic activities.

“I think it’s a really great cause. It’s a very community driven initiative and we’re happy to be receiving this from them, and we really are grateful,” she said.

The food items, hygiene kits, winter articles and other basic necessities which were distributed to the homeless in Toronto’s streets and others who came to the INC Aid for Humanity came from the donations of INC brethren in various local congregation in Canada, said INC Minister Ramfel Serreno.

INC District Supervising Minister Canada Rod Bruno, said that the other donations will be handed to homeless in the streets.

“We’re just gonna hand it to them as a gesture of love for our fellowmen,” he said.

The organizers of the INC event said they plan to help new immigrants, refugees, people living with disabilities, the elderly, the homeless, youth communities and those afflicted with economic challenges.

“So when it comes to this activity we are reaching out to those people, especially those who are homeless, and those perhaps who have just entered into Canada, but they don’t have their basic needs. We’re going to help them in one way or another so that they may have some kind of aid or assistance when it comes to their immediate necessities,” explained INC minister Donald Pinnock.


Photos of the Aid to Humanity conducted by the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) in Toronto, Canada on Sept. 21, 2018.





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