INC members in California vow unity with Church Administration in worship service officiated by Brother Eduardo


Iglesia Ni Cristo Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo officiates the special worship service on Saturday, Feb. 13, at the locale of Fremont in California. (Photo from Eagle News US Bureau)


FREMONT, California (Eagle News) – Thousands of Iglesia Ni Cristo members showed up here in Fremont, California early Saturday, February 13, to attend the special worship service officiated by INC Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo, as the brethren here reiterated their commitment to remain united with the Church Administration.

The Fremont house of worship was filled to capacity while the gigantic overflow tent beside it was standing room only. The members of the Church rejoiced and served God peacefully that day, thanking Him for Brother Eduardo’s visit that once more strengthened their faith.

“Brother Eduardo taught lessons from the Bible which have never changed. The doctrines have always stayed the same and he taught us that if we stay true, we will be worthy of salvation,” said Brother Warren Zapanta from Fremont after the worship service at the locale.

“You can’t find blessings like these anywhere else,” said another INC member, Loretta Griffith.

The brethren were filled with joy and hope as they listened intently to Brother Eduardo’s message to the congregation on the importance of their membership in the one true Church.

In the lesson, the INC Executive Minister reminded the members of the Church in Fremont of the teachings from the Bible and importance of adhering to the teachings of the Lord God and Jesus Christ.

Brother Eduardo even addressed the accusations of those who had already been expelled from the Church and helped the brethren to realize how important it is to stay true to their calling and to not be unfazed by trials in their life, including the detractors who are trying to spread false information against the Church.

The power of the Holy Spirit filled the air from beginning to end of the worship service.

“We really needed (this visit). We were hurting for a while. It felt like our prayers were answered. We wanted a sign that the administration hadn’t forgotten us. And Brother Eduardo showed up!”  Says Brother Devon Smith, a choir member in Fremont.

The INC local congregation of Fremont made headlines in July last year when their former resident minister, and now expelled member, Louie Cayabyab, abandoned this congregation by denouncing his loyalty to God’s teachings of submitting to the Church Administration.

But this did not weaken the brethren here. Instead, the brethren in Fremont have only been strengthened in their faith as they continued on their duties in rendering services to God.

And when the brethren here heard of the news of the pastoral visit of Brother Eduardo, they eagerly and wholeheartedly prepared for the visit, as they know that this was a great blessing from God.

Some of the INC brethren pose for a group photo after the special worship service officiated by INC Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. (Photo from Eagle News Service US Bureau)


Indeed, when the much awaited day came, brethren by the hundreds, wearing their best Church clothes, could be seen lining up as early as 5 am in front of an Iglesia Ni Cristo house of worship in this quiet neighborhood in Fremont, California, a suburb of San Francisco.

They came from all over Northern California, braving all odds, just to attend the  worship service to be officiated by the Executive Minister.

The house of worship, as well as the giant overflow tent set up nearby, was immediately filled to capacity.

Typically, a locale congregation has more than one service per worship day. During special events when they are all gathered together, an “overflow” area would be required to cater as well for members from neighboring locales who may wish to attend.

The overflow tent outside the house of worship in the locale of Fremont, California was immediately filled up with Iglesia Ni Cristo brethren who were eager to attend the worship service officiated by INC Executive Minister Brother Eduardo V. Manalo. (Photo from Eagle News Service US Bureau)


But this overflow area also filled up fast as members who could not be accommodated anymore  stood outside the tents joining hymns of praises — not bothered by the cold at all. They stood silently to listen to the teachings and to fulfill their duties of joining in prayers to God. Attendees recount how they felt “the power of the Holy Spirit” filling the air from beginning to end of the worship service.

Small rally of 17 protestors ignored

While the worship service was ongoing, a total of 17 protestors composed of expelled INC members rallied outside the Fremont chapel as they punily attempted to distract the brethren.  But they were “like nothing” to the thousands of faithful members who excitedly trooped to the house of worship of Fremont to fulfill their divine duties to God.

“They were in small in number and nothing compared to the number of brethren out there today. With or without the detractors there, every single member’s faith was even more strengthened today,” Heather Ibarra of Fremont said in a post later in social media.

“These jokes (the tiny group across the street holding signs) tried to show up and ruin our beautiful, blessed day…but what did they do instead? They made it better. They reminded us that God’s love wins – that the truth wins, and that EVIL never stands a chance. What do they have? Nothing but bitter, darkened, selfish hearts out to fool and manipulate innocent people . They have nothing to hold on to but poorly made picket signs and cheap children’s masks,” said CieloDela Cruz from Lathrop in another social media post.

Having to deal with these protests the last few months during events of  worship services, INC members frustrations finally reached its peak. As Brother Eduardo’s convoy left the premises, brethren joined forces to shield him from the protestors who are former members, as a sign of solidarity by lifting up tarpaulin  to cover the protestors and their signs, as  he drove by.

“We are typically instructed to ignore them but today the brethren could not help but show them what we are made of.  The brethren did what they could to shield and protect the one who protects us.   Brethren chanted ‘I am one with EVM’ in the faces  of protestors and later chanted ‘go home! Go home!’  It  felt good to finally express how we feel to them to their faces, ” said Janlynn Valerio from Burlingame, California.

The Fremont Police Department and other Law Enforcement groups were were present during the event. Both sides then were able to express their views on the many accusations being hurled at the present Church Administration. But for the members of the Church, this attempt by the protestors only proved one thing.

“Their efforts were to make us turn away from our leaders but it only made us stronger. Today gave us an opportunity to band together and literally defend our Church from those heathens,” said Edward Reyes of Fremont.



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