Iqbal testifies in Senate

For the first time, Mohagher Iqbal, Chief negotiator of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) attended the senate probe of the carnage in Mamasapano, Maguindanao that claimed the lives of 44 Special Action Force (SAF).

Mohagher Iqbal didn’t attend the previous hearings happened last February 9 but able to submit a letter on February 10 that was read by representative MILF Coordinating Committee of the Cessation of Hostilities chairman Rashid Ladiasan, part of the letter stated: “Please bear with us as we engage the institution of the Philippine Senate officially for the first time. The MILF is a revolutionary organization. Until peace agreement is implemented, we remain to be a revolutionary organization.”

Iqbal who was now present in the hearing, emphatically denied that they’ve planned the Mamasapano incident.

He was also asked by Senator Meriam Santigao if they were to coddle Marwan and Usman.

“We are not coddling Usman and Marwan, they were outside MILF areas.” said Iqbal

According to Iqbal, his troop also risks their lives to appease the “cease fire.”

“Through the efforts of the MILF, 28 SAF were rescued from imminent death that day. The 28 SAF were part of the first team and holed up in an area one kilometer northeast of Tukanalipao. They were already being fired upon by unidentified armed groups,” he said.

He also said that “It would be unfair if they were already to put the blame on the MILF, where they are not the only group present in the area.”

(Mary Rose Faith Bonalos)