Israel sends P1-M worth of supplies, medicine and equipment for Marawi victims thru PHL Red Cross

Philippine Red Cross Chairman and senator Richard Gordon extends his gratitude to Israel Embassy Ambassador Ephraim Ben Matityau and his wife, Lizia Lu for Israel’s P1-m worth of donations for the evacuees from Marawi City. (Photo courtesy PRC)


The Israel Embassy officially has turned over P1 million worth of basic equipment, medicines, and supplies to the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), to support immediate needs of those affected by the Marawi conflict.

“We are all touched by the events in Marawi and the effect they brought to the people of Marawi. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed us to lend a hand of support to the affected people in Marawi and the surrounding areas,” said Israel Ambassador Ephraim Ben Matityau.

Ambassador Matityau said they also hoped that peace would soon return to Marawi City.

“We would like to wish the people of Marawi a solemn end to the holidays of Ramadan and Eid’l Fitr celebration. We all hope for a speedy return of the population to their homes and normal life in time for the celebration, and that peace and national harmony will be restored,” said Matityau.

The Red Cross, set up a basic health care unit in (BHCU) in Balo-i Lanao del Norte on June 8. Since basic health services are a major priority in the communities and evacuation centers affected by the conflict, the PRC has provided basic, preventive, and health care emergency treatment and medical supplies.

The basic equipment, medicines, and supplies which were sent by Israel will benefit thousands of families in the evacuation centers, according to the Philippine Red Cross.

The equipment includes emergency cart, suction machine, portable nebulizer machine, portable ECG machine, portable doppler, pulse oximeter, oxygen tank, basic medicine package, emergency medicines, and medical supplies.

Philippine Red Cross chairman and Senator Richard Gordon thanked the Israeli ambassador for the donation.

“We are grateful for the outpouring support we received from our partners and donors as the Philippine Red Cross continues with its humanitarian efforts for our affected brothers and sisters in Marawi crisis. We are committed to continue our mission to save lives as well as to give the best assistance to the most vulnerable to the best of our capacity,” Gordon said.

The donation was approved after the Embassy of Israel reached out to the Philippine Red Cross to support the ongoing relief efforts in the Marawi conflict.

To date, the Red Cross continues to provide medical care concentrating on health needs of the Marawi evacuees.  It also provides medicines and gives medical consultations for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

The Red Cross also conducts minor surgical cases, and normal spontaneous delivery for uncomplicated pregnancies.

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