Japan shocked at second possible nuclear test in a year by North Korea

Japanese express fear and concern over the North Korea's latest possible nuclear test. (Photo captured from Reuters video)
Japanese express fear and concern over the North Korea’s latest possible nuclear test. (Photo captured from Reuters video)

TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) — Japanese citizens were shocked and concerned at North Korea’s latest nuclear test on Friday (September 9), the second test this year.

“It’s just terrifying. As a Japanese citizen, I’d appreciate if the government would take necessary measures against North Korea,” said Hirofumi Murahashi, a 35-year-old company worker.

North Korea’s frequent missile launches and nuclear tests have been seen as a threaten to Japan’s national security.

“After consecutive provocations, I feel a risk of life as a Japanese national. I hope the Japanese government will deal with it resolutely,” said Katsuyuki Kawahara, a 55-year-old company worker, after hearing the news.

“I don’t think North Korea has succeeded in perfecting their nuclear programme, so it’s scary if there would be an accident and the effects then harm Japan,” said Yosuke Hori, an 18-year-old student.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that Japan will work closely with the U.N. Security Council to further deal with the situation.