Japan suspects North Korea quake is a nuclear test

Japan is to convene a security council meeting following an apparent North Korean earthquake earlier on Wednesday (January 6) its suspects was a nuclear test.

“According to the Meteorological Agency this earthquake is not a naturally occurring earthquake. The Japanese government, based on past examples, we believe there is a possibility that this is a nuclear test by North Korea. We have therefore convened the relevant ministries to a gather for an emergency strategy meeting at the Prime minister’s office on the possibility of a North Korean nuclear test,” top Japanese spokesman Yoshihide Suga told reporters.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency told Reuters that it is conducting analyses of data by, among other things, comparing wave patterns from this tremor with tremors recorded after North Korea’s past nuclear tests and will release its findings soon.

An earthquake that appears to have been man-made near a known nuclear testing site in North Korea was detected by several monitoring agencies on Wednesday. (Reuters)