Majority of Filipinos support gov’t recommendation to close Boracay for rehab

(Eagle News)–A majority of Filipinos support the government’s recommendation to close Boracay Island  for its rehabilitation, a Social Weather Stations survey said.

The March 23 to 27 survey said 64 percent agreed with the suggestion, while 20 percent disagreed.

As for the government’s recommendation the island be closed for a year, the SWS said 38 percent strongly agree, 26 percent somewhat agree, 10 percent somewhat disagree and 10 percent strongly disagree.

Seventeen percent were undecided.

This gives a net agreement score of +44, classified by SWS very strong.

According to the SWS, 64 percent believe the closure will help rehabilitate the nature in the island, while 16 percent said it would not help.

Twenty percent were undecided.

The SWS also found 61 percent believe the closure would help increase the tourists in the future, while  16% answered it would not help. Twenty three percent were undecided about it.





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