Malacañang ready to defend martial law in Mindanao before Supreme Court

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News) — Malacañang is prepared to defend the declaration of martial law in Mindanao before the Supreme Court.

“Well, they have the right under the Constitution to file any challenge to the declaration of martial law. We will let the Supreme Court decide on that. But we are very positive that the grounds laid by the President are in line with the Constitution,” Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo said in a statement.

He said it was clear that there was invasion and rebellion in Marawi City on the part of the ISIS-connected Maute Group.

“There is a need for that declaration because the safety of the public is in danger. They attacked buildings and assaulted civilians. There have been properties destroyed,” the chief legal counsel said.

“The Constitution is very clear. When there is rebellion or invasion, the public safety requires [martial law]. I do not think that anybody can question that there is an outgoing rebellion right now in Mindanao. With respect to invasion, there are foreign participants,” Panelo said.

Panelo also said that through martial law, the military will be able to handle the Maute Group in a more effective manner.