Manila court allows key Communist leaders to travel abroad for peace talks


Communist rebel leaders Benito Tiamzon’s (C) and wife, Wilma (R) raise clenched fists while a policeman (L) looks on as they arrive for their bail hearing at a court in Manila on August 11, 2016.
Benito and Wilma Tiamzon are attending their bail hearing for their temporary release, / AFP / Ted Aljibe/

(Eagle News)–A Manila court has allowed key Communist leaders to travel abroad following President Rodrigo Duterte’s pronouncement peace talks may resume in July.

Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison said, however, that such negotiations would take place earlier.

Benito Tiamzon, Adelberto Silva, Rafael Baylosis, Randall Echanis and Vicente Ladlad were given the go-signal by Branch 100 of the Manila Regional Trial Court to make the travel from June 22-26, 2018 and June 27-30, 2018.

They were, however, required to report to the Philippine embassies, and to return
three days after the completion of the formal and informal talks.

They were also required to submit a report on the outcome of the negotiations within 10 days of their arrival.

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