Measures in place to protect marine resources in West Philippine Sea: Palace

Photo courtesy Reuters
Photo courtesy Reuters

MANILA (PNA) — The Philippine Coast Guard and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) under the Department of Agriculture (DA) will ensure that the country’s maritime resources are protected as the government awaits the resolution of its case against China regarding contested territories in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), the Palace said.

“I think that is where we have made measures, both by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and also by our coast watch, to strengthen and to ensure our maritime resources,” said Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda in a press briefing in Malacanang on Wednesday.

Lacierda was commenting on the concern of some environmental groups that the country’s marine resources in the disputed territories could be depleted before the international tribunal makes a decision on the issue.

Eleven Chinese fishermen were recently caught poaching sea turtles off Palawan province.

News reports also said that black sand mining operations being spearheaded by Chinese operators continue in Zambales, despite a prohibition issued by the Supreme Court.

The international Arbitral Tribunal has asked China to comment by December 15 this year on the case filed by the Philippines.

Lacierda said that the time frame set by the tribunal is part of its rules in settling the dispute, and the Philippine government will leave it to China whether or not to respond to the Memorial filed by the Philippines.

The Philippines filed a case in the international tribunal to clarify the rights and entitlements of each country under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Lacierda said.

“We are all signatories to a treaty or a pact and all parties should abide by the treaty—the treaty provisions that we all entered into,” he said.

The Philippines has used the legal mechanism of arbitration to once and for all settle the conflicting claims in the South China Sea, the Palace official said.

The South China Sea, a major sea lane for trade and commerce, is believed to be rich in gas and mineral resources. Aside from China and the Philippines, other claimants include Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, and Taiwan. (Philippine News Agency)