Mexican Senators hang anti-Trump banners as part of ongoing campaign

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – Mexican Senators hung an anti-Trump banner outside Mexico City’s Senate on Tuesday (March 29) as part of a campaign to stir pride in Mexicans amidst fears that criticism of the country and its people by U.S. Republican front runner Donald Trump is creating an atmosphere of anti-Mexican rhetoric.

Troubled by Trump’s successes in U.S. primaries, the campaign using #mxcontratrump (#mxagainsttrump) was launched by Senate leader Miguel Barbosa of the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution.

Donald Trump is currently leading the Republican presidential primaries even though he is opposed by many in the party. He consistently polls behind the leader of the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton, in head-to-head matchups for the November general election to see who succeeds U.S. President Barack Obama.

Trump has sparked outrage in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for it.

“A call from Mexico, from any part of the world. To the society, to the American people to reject that strategy and reject the initiative of Donald Trump to become, first the candidate of a political party and then president of the most powerful country in the world and with that put at risk the stability of peace on our planet,” Barbosa told a news conference.

Barbosa has said he will present a proposal urging the Senate to implement a campaign across all media using #mxcontratrump (#mxagainsttrump)

The real estate mogul has accused Mexico of “sending” rapists and drug runners across the border and vowed to increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards to help make Mexico pay for the wall.

Even though Trump claims, “Latinos love Trump and I love them,” nearly 80 percent of U.S. Latinos, a key voting demographic, had strongly unfavourable views of Trump in a recent Washington Post / Univision poll

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