MILF’s Iqbal attends senate inquiry on Mamasapano, says MILF wants to pursue peace

The chair of the peace panel of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) attended the continuation on Thursday, February 12, of the senate inquiry on the Mamasapano operation where 44 members of the Philippine National Police-Special Action Forces  (PNP-SAF)and 18 MILF members were killed.

Mohagher Iqbal, MILF peace panel chair, read a statement where he said that the Mamasapano incident was an “unfortunate” incident, but insisted that the MILF was still committed to pursue peace.

Iqbal said MILF was different from the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), and that the two organizations have different goals.

“The MILF is against all forms of terrorism,” said Iqbal who further stated that terrorism has no place in the Muslim faith.

“To tag MILF as a terrorist group is unfair,” he said.

Iqbal also tried to refute allegations that the MILF harbored Malaysian bomber Zulkifli bin Hir and Filipino bomb maker Abdul Basit Usman.

The MILF peace panel chair said that the MILF was committed to peace, and that they had in fact been working for peace for 17 years.  As proof of its commitment, the MILF had already signed a peace agreement with the government of the Philippines, he said.

“The peace process is important to us and for everybody.  It has brought the promise of a good life for our people.  We have waited for this opportunity for 17 years,” Iqbal said as he read a prepared statement.

“We seek your help.  We ask you to help us live in peace,” he said.

Iqbal further appealed for the continuation of the peace process.

“Please do not let this unfortunate incident derail peace and justice,” he said at the start of the senate inquiry. (Eagle News Service)


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