INC Missionary work in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Though hindrances and persecution admonish people around the world, through strong faith and will, the true gospel of the Church of Christ shall prevail among people oceans away. The world continues to progress, and though there be different time zones and great distances, we can communicate with brethren from all around the world through advanced technology. This was fulfilled with the brethren in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Bro. Rodelio dela Torre, a minister of the gospel in the District of Northern California, connected with 2 Bishops in the Pentecostal Church in the DR Congo through modern day technology. They were Bishop Kiza Mugombagomba Martin and Bishop Nabahena Muhasha with 22 congregations under their care. The District Minister of Africa, Bro. Alexander Batulan, travelled across the continent to hold Bible Studies in the DR Congo to familiarize them with the teachings, and was pleased to have numerous intrigued listeners. These people were truly enlightened by the pure gospel and are longing to hear more about the church.

With the eagerness and aspiration of the Congolese people to gain more knowledge of the truth, they brought their Bibles with them and took notes of the verses being taught to them. They also invited their friends and loved ones to hear the true gospel. The Church of Christ stood as a beacon of light, enlightening them with the truth. The bible studies held in numerous places around DR Congo, greatly helped in strengthening their faith in the Church of Christ. We continue to unite with the Church Administration in proclaiming the pure gospel and in spreading God’s Words in the Continent of Africa.

Reported by:
Brother Azul Factor and Sister Lournelyn Bigorni


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