NASA releases new images of mysterious bright spots on dwarf planet

SEPTEMBER 11 (Reuters) — NASA released new images of the dwarf planet of Ceres on Tuesday and Wednesday (September 8-9) showing a set of peculiar white spots in one of the planet’s craters.

The animation and stills shown by NASA on social media are made up of images from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft and are the closest yet views of the Occator crater.

The photos have a resolution of 450 feet (140 meters) per pixel and have given scientists a new perspective on the planet.

NASA said on its website that the mysterious white spots ‘gleam with mystery’.

The new images are in fact so popular that NASA has opened up a poll on it’s website asking the general public what the white spots are.

Although there is no option for alien life or ancient civilization the public can choose from volcano, geyser, rock, ice, salt deposit and other.

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