North Korean leader watches military drills

North Korea's state-run television releases still photographs of its leader Kim Jong Un watching a firing contest by the military's batteries of multiple rocket launchers and a night time combat flight drill.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)
North Korea’s state-run television releases still photographs of its leader Kim Jong Un watching a firing contest by the military’s batteries of multiple rocket launchers and a night time combat flight drill.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)

Reuters — North Korea’s state-run television KRT on Wednesday (December 21) released still photographs of its leader Kim Jong Un watching a multiple rocket launcher drill and a night time combat flight drill.

KRT said Kim ordered soldiers to conduct training under the simulated conditions of an actual war.

KRT did not specify a date or a location of the drills.

North Korea’s former deputy ambassador to Britain said on Monday (December 19) he defected to South Korea after becoming disenchanted with the North’s regime under Kim Jong Un, a South Korean member of parliament said.

The U.S. Treasury Department tightened sanctions against North Korean diplomats to the United Nations, requiring banks to get special permission before granting them accounts, the agency said in a notice posted online Tuesday (December 20).

Under new U.N. sanctions adopted last month in response to North Korea’s fifth and largest nuclear test in September, countries are required to limit the number of bank accounts to one per North Korean diplomatic mission and one per diplomat.