July is Nutrition Month! So eat your fruits and veggies!

QUEZON City, Philippines (July 18) – July is Nutrition Month! Time to bring out our fruits and veggies!

Primary and secondary schools nationwide celebrate Nutrition Month to promote the consumption of healthier food and to discourage students from eating unhealthy food.

This year’s theme is “Healthy diet, make it a habit– for life.”

Nutrition month is also the time when every Filipino family is encouraged to eat a balanced diet with a variety of food in the right quantity! A good and balanced diet will do a lot to help maintain an ideal body weight. It will also help reduce obesity and non-communicable diseases.

Making sure that you have a healthy and balanced diet is so easy! First, you just have to start eating your fruits and veggies! Not a fan? No problem, here are some simple and oh so very helpful tips so that you can enjoy your greens!

Happy eating!

(Graphics by Erdy Peletina, research by Jodi Bustos and edited by Jay Paul Carlos)


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Click here: July is Nutrition Month! So eat your fruits and veggies!

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