Other News

British Council and VSO Bahaginan partner to bring UK volunteers to Philippines

The British Council Philippines has announced a partnership with VSO Bahaginan to bring volunteers from the United Kingdom to the Philippines to provide classroom support to English teachers in local schools. The new scheme, targeted at current university students or recent graduates in the UK, will help children in selected schools to gain international exposure and to develop more confidence in the English language. The programme will place the UK students into partner schools for eight […]

“Czechs to further support endangered species protection in the Philippines”

Following the working  visit of the Czech Parliament’s Committee of Environment to the Philippines early this month, Committee Chairman Robin Böhnisch confirmed further Czech support for the protection and preservation of endemic species in the country. During the Committee’s meeting with Department of Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje on March 17, Böhnisch especially noted that„as the Philippines is an important global hotspot for biodiversity, we are committed to supporting endangered species conservation here.“ […]