Other News

Senator Cayetano criticizes MILF report

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano criticized the report of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) regarding the Mamasapano incident, wherein the said group reported that it is the government’s fault that the incident happened.

Lee Kuan Yew’s casket moved to Singapore Parliament House

Thousands of people lined Singapore’s streets on Wednesday (March 25) as a gun carriage took the casket of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore, to Parliament House for public viewing. Lee died on Monday (March 23), aged 91. Chants of “Lee Kuan Yew” rang out from the crowd as the carriage entered the colonnaded Parliament House in the heart of the city-state’s business district, where his body will lie in state until […]

MILF claims actions against PNP-SAF men were “justified”

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has claimed that its actions against the Philippine National Police Special Action Forces (PNP-SAF) were justified as the MILF combatants only fought back after they had been fired upon. In a 35-page report submitted to the Senate on Tuesday, the MILF said the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces initially did not know that the forces that entered their territory were government troops.  The MILF blamed the absence of prior coordination […]