Other News

DOTC, LTO to bare list of delinquent car dealers

MANILA, PIA – The Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) will release list of delinquent car dealers who deliberately misinform their customers as to the status of their license plate applications. “The public deserves to know if their car dealerships are shortchanging them. We will release lists of delinquent dealers in the coming weeks to show which ones aren’t fulfilling their promises to their customers,” Secretary of Transportation Jun […]

New maths app solves equations in seconds

Most parents know the feeling when their child comes home from school and asks for help with maths homework. That was the inspiration behind Croatian programmer and tech entrepreneur Damir Sabol’s idea to create a smartphone application that solves mathematical tasks within a split second. The result was PhotoMath, an app that scans equations via a smartphone camera and immediately returns the result, with a step-by-step explanation of the process. “They (pupils) can check the […]

New Lease on Light: Earth Hour to Deploy Solar Lamps in Palawan

“This lamp contains crude oil,” says fisherman Joys Dominguez while raising a grimy, soot-caked gin bottle. We are inside a hut in Beton, an island community in Northern Palawan. Night has settled and our world is pitch-black, save for what the flickering flames illuminate. Outside is the sea and above it, a sea of stars. Around 15 million Filipinos lack regular access to electricity. Beton and its 300 fisherfolk families are no different, relying on […]

Wanted: homes for wild animals as Mexico bans them from circuses

Mexico is searching for homes for at least 2,000 tigers, elephants, giraffes, zebras and other exotic beasts that will soon be banned from the country’s circuses. Circus owners are worried about the fate of their animals, which they say are too expensive to keep once the ban kicks in, while government and zoo officials are grappling with myriad difficulties in relocating animals raised to perform tricks under the big top. The prohibition does not take […]

San Diego Zoo raises two Dalmatian pelican chicks

The San Diego Zoo is taking care of a couple of new residents. The Zoo’s Avian Propagation Center is raising two Dalmatian pelican chicks – one of the rarest pelican species in the world. The chicks, one only 2-days old and one 11-days old, were born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, but their parents were unable to raise them. The chicks will be taken care of at the Avian Propagation Center until they’re […]

Defying U.S., European allies say they’ll join China-led bank

A new clash between the U.S. and China in the bid for influence in fast growing Asia. Beijing has taken the lead in jump-starting a new government-funded infrastructure bank – theAIIB – recently gaining the support of traditional U.S. ally Great Britain for the 50-billion dollar project. Now, according to a media report, other European nations such as France, Italy and Germanyare signing up too. Australia also hinting it wants to join. The West has […]

UCI chief blasts Armstrong’s ‘charity’ Tour return

Suggestions that Lance Armstrong will ride part of this year’s Tour de France route for charity have been branded “disrespectful” by the head of cycling’s governing body (UCI) Brian Cookson. The disgraced American, stripped of his seven Tour titles because of doping, has been invited by fellow cancer survivor and former English soccer player Geoff Thomas to join him in raising money for a leukaemia charity. Thomas currently plans to ride each stage of the […]

Cervantes remains found in Madrid convent, investigators believe

Spanish scientists said on Tuesday that remains found under a Madrid convent are likely to include those of “Don Quixote” author Miguel de Cervantes, one of the world’s most celebrated writers. Nearly 400 years after his death, the quest to find Cervantes had led investigators deep into the sub-soil of a 17th century convent. Some of bones dug up in recent months almost certainly belong to the writer, they said. “We believe that some of […]

Fighting near Tikrit destroys Saddam’s tomb

The tomb of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has been destroyed in fighting near Tikrit where Iraqi forces supported by Iran-backed Shi’ite militias have been trying to take control of the city from the militants of the Islamic State. The once large octagonal, domed building in Awja, 150 km (95 miles) north of Baghdad, was severely damaged. The building appeared to have been burned then destroyed. The dome was damaged but remained largely intact. A […]

Pakistan hangs 12 men in largest execution since moratorium

Pakistan hanged 12 male convicts on Tuesday (March 17), an Interior Ministry spokesman said, making it the largest number of people executed on the same day since an unofficial moratorium on capital punishment was lifted in December. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif lifted a de facto moratorium on capital punishment on December 17, a day after Pakistani Taliban gunmen attacked a school and killed 132 students and nine teachers. The slaughter put pressure on the government […]

Guinea Ebola cases rise, three doctors infected

Guinea has suffered a setback in its fight against Ebola with a rash of new cases, including three doctors infected by the virus, with officials blaming weak surveillance and a failure to follow safety procedures. The outbreak, which began in eastern Guinea more than a year ago and has killed over 10,000 people in the three West African countries worst hit, had appeared to be on the wane, but Guinea has seen cases rise for […]

Russia’s Putin makes another public appearance

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (March 17) presided over an official planning meeting for Victory Day celebrations to commemorate the end of World War Two inMoscow. It was the second time the Russian president made a public appearance, after 10 unexplained days out of public view, which lead to speculation over his health. The 62-year-old leader criticised what he called attempts to ‘distort’ historical events, aimed at undermining the “power and moral authority of […]