Other News

Stranded sea lion pups inundate animal rescue centers

California sea lions – mainly pups – are turning up stranded and starved on Southern California beaches in record numbers this year, leaving experts worried that this winter may be the worst season ever documented for the marine mammals. The precise cause is not clear, but scientists believe the sea lions are suffering from a scarcity of natural prey that force nursing mothers to venture farther out to sea for food, leaving their young behind […]

S. African granny dives with sharks to celebrate 100th birthday

A great-grandmother marked her 100th birthday by swimming with sharks off the South African coast on Monday (March 16). Wearing a full body diving suit, Georgina Haywood climbed into a submerged cage to see the sharks under water. “An experience of a lifetime at the end of my life,” she later said. She carried out the daring feat two days after tandem skydiving in Cape Town. Haywood, who planned a number of activities to celebrate […]

UN: “Over 200,000” people including children abducted by DPRK since 1950

UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of the human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea told delegates in Geneva that “well over 200,000” people including children had been abducted by DPRK since 1950. Marzuki Darusman said that efforts have been undertaken by various countries so far to solve the problem but that an international approach is now required. He also noted it is ‘deeply regrettable’ that the government of DPRK has decided not […]

New York real estate baron Durst arrested on LA murder warrant

Robert Durst, scion of one of New York’s largest real estate empires, has been arrested in New Orleans on a murder warrant issued by Los Angeles County, the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office said on Sunday (March 15). Durst, born in 1943, is known for life twists that led him to be questioned but not charged in the mysterious deaths of his first wife Kathleen Durst in 1982 and a longtime friend in 2000. There was no lawyer listed […]

No place for Assad in Syria talks, U.S. officials say

The United States insisted on Monday it would never negotiate directly with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, edging away from comments made by Secretary of State John Kerry, and it cast doubt on any immediate prospects for third-party talks to resolve Syria’s civil war. Kerry’s apparent suggestion in a CBS television interview on Sunday that there could be a place for Assad in efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to the Syrian conflict drew swift criticism […]

Russia’s Putin reappears after 10 day absence, laughs off “gossip”

Russian President Vladimir Putin reappeared on Monday (March 16) after 10 unexplained days out of public view, laughing off the “gossip” over his health that had erupted during his absence. The 62-year-old leader met the president of Kyrgyzstan at a lavish Tsarist-era palace outside St Petersburg in his first appearance since Feb. 5. His unexplained absence had fuelled rumours he was ill, had been overthrown by the army or had even flown abroad to attend the birth of a love child. “It […]

Syria’s Assad shuns Kerry remarks on negotiations

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dismissed on Monday (March 16) remarks made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that Assad should be included in negotiations to reach a political transition, saying, “Whether they say I remain or not, the Syrian people have the final say on this”. “We are still hearing the declarations and we should wait for actions and then decide,”Assad said in comments broadcast on Syrian state television. In a Sunday CBS interview, Kerry did not repeat […]

Netanyahu says no Palestinian state if he’s re-elected

Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a final bid to shore up right-wing support ahead of a knife-edge vote, said on Monday (March 16) he would not permit a Palestinian state to be created under his watch if he is re-elected. Trailing his centre-left opponent Isaac Herzog in opinion polls, the three-term leader has sought to shift the focus away from socioeconomic issues and on to security challenges, saying he alone can defend Israel. Having previously hinted that he […]

Dozens of families flee Libya’s Sirte as clashes with IS escalate

Families fled Libya‘s coastal city of Sirte in their dozens on Monday (March 16) after two days of clashes between Islamic State militants and fighters loyal to a government based in Tripoli, with the violence set to escalate, according to witnesses. Families were seen packing into cars and heading westwards along the coast for Misrata, the stronghold of Libya Dawn, the armed group that backs the government in the capital, Tripoli. Some 20 cars evacuated staff from a hospital. One resident […]