Other News

No visitors allowed in NBP

No visitors are allowed in the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) after the explosion of a grenade in the maximum security prison. According to Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, it depends on the head of the Bureau of Corrections if their visitation rights will be returned. Said visitation rights were suspended due to the refusal of inmates to cooperate in the investigation.

Blizzard hits northeastern US

Residents in the northeastern United States were warned against the coming winter blizzards. New York and New Jersey declared a state of emergency while Connecticut declared a travel ban.

2015 Japanese Government Scholarship: Teacher Training and Japanese Studies Categories Open for Applications

The Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC), of the Embassy of Japan, is now accepting applications for the Teacher Training and Japanese Studies programs.   All Filipino citizens who meet the qualifications below are eligible to apply:   Category Requirements Age Years of Study Fields of Study Teacher Training •Teacher in Elementary/Secondary Level, or an academic staff at a teacher training institution• 5 years teaching experience • Good academic standing Under 35 years old 1.5 […]

Helping the gov’t in caring for Yolanda victims: INC inaugurates resettlement community in Leyte

ALANGALANG, Leyte (Eagle News Service) – On February 15 last year, Iglesia Ni Cristo brethren from all over the world walked for a cause to help generate funds to provide housing and livelihood for the victims of typhoon Yolanda. Barely a year later, that promise was fulfilled with God’s help. Here in Sitio New Era, in a village named barangay Langit, 500 concrete housing units now stand ready for occupancy, with an eco-farming site, a […]

PNP vs Rebels: Over 30 dead in Mindanao clash

At least 30 people, many of them members of the Philippine National Police (PNP), were feared killed in a gun battle that erupted between security forces and some 300 Muslim rebels in Maguindanao on Sunday. Military sources said 37 members of the PNP Special Action Force who were out to  arrest Malaysian terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir, alias Marwan, encountered  Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, around 5 am in Pidsandawan village in Masasapano, Maguindanao. Reports reaching the […]