Other News

U.S. intelligence agency joins Twitter, hours before military account hacked

There was surely no irony intended, but a new U.S. counterintelligence agency joined Twitter on Monday (January 12), just hours before news of the hacking of U.S. military Twitter and YouTube accounts. “The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) joins Twitter…we’ve said too much already!” tweeted the agency in its inaugural posting earlier on Monday. The agency was formed late last year by U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper “to effectively integrate and align […]

Divers retrieve crashed AirAsia jet’s cockpit voice recorder

Divers retrieved the cockpit voice recorder from the wreck of an AirAsia passenger jet on Tuesday, MetroTV said quoting a transport official, a key piece of evidence for investigators to determine the cause of the crash that killed 162 people. The cockpit voice recorder, which records conversations between the pilots and with air traffic controllers, was found close to where the flight data recorder was recovered from the bottom of the Java Sea on Monday, […]

Cyber security analyst warns of “secondary” cyber attacks

The Twitter feed and YouTube account for the U.S. military command that oversees operations in the Middle East was hacked on Monday (January 12) by people claiming to be sympathetic toward the Islamic State militant group being targeted in American bombing raids. The White House and the Pentagon both downplayed the incident saying no sensitive or classified information was compromised. Security analysts J.D. Sherry, the Global Director of Technology and Solutions at TrendMicro disagreed, saying […]

VP Binay’s ratings declines; yet ‘satisfies’?

Over 60 percent of Filipinos said they were supposedly ‘satisfied’ with Vice President Jejomar Binay’s performance, the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed – despite an eight-point decline in his satisfaction rating. The survey, which gave the vice president a net satisfaction rating of 44 percent (satisfied minus dissatisfied, after rounding), was conducted from Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2014. It also found that 20 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with Binay’s performance. In contrast, Senate President […]

Disaster management in ASEAN

Lessons Learned from Typhoon Ruby & Yolanda In the context of an integrating ASEAN Manila, Philippines – As the Philippines weathered Typhoon Ruby last December – the strongest typhoon to hit the country in 2014 and just one year after the world’s worst recorded storm Typhoon Yolanda – the country was reminded that cooperation and coordination is key in disaster relief. With ASEAN providing their technical and financial support for Typhoon Ruby, the prospects for […]