Other News

Dwindling battery makes comet probe drill results uncertain

(Reuters) – European Space Agency scientists faced an anxious wait on Friday to see if a probe landed on a comet has enough power left to send results of a drill down into its surface back to Earth 500 million km (300 million miles) away. Time was getting tight after the probe, released by the Rosetta spacecraft on Wednesday after a 10-year odyssey from Earth, floated away from its planned landing site. The washing machine-sized […]

Russia plans alternative version of ‘Wikipedia’

(Reuters) – Russia plans to create its own “Wikipedia” to ensure its citizens have access to more “detailed and reliable” information about their country, the presidential library said on Friday. Citing Western threats, the Kremlin has asserted more control over the Internet this year in what critics call moves to censor the web, and has introduced more pro-Kremlin content similar to closely controlled state media such as television. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia assembled and written by Internet […]

U.S. House passes Keystone bill

(Reuters) – The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives approved the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday, but a similar measure struggled to get enough support in the Senate and President Barack Obama indicated he might use his veto if the bill does get through Congress. The legislation, approved by 252 votes to 161, circumvents the need for approval of TransCanada Corp’s (TRP.TO) $8 billion project by the Obama administration, which has been considering it for more than six years. No […]

Ukraine’s PM says main task is to build army to stop Russia

(Reuters) – Ukraine’s top priority is to build an army strong enough to stop Russian military aggression, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said on Friday, as he made recommendations for top positions in a new coalition government. The prospect of an all-out war returning to eastern Ukraine has piled pressure on the country’s struggling economy, driving the hryvnia currency down by some 17 percent this month and pushing borrowing costs sky-high. Ukraine’s pro-Western leaders and NATO […]