Other News

Aquino says country’s interest successfully brought up in APEC, ASEAN Summits

SAYING his recent trips had been “successful,” President Aquino arrived in Manila Friday morning after attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing, China, and the 25th Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) Summit in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.The President arrived at exactly 3:47 a.m. on board Philippine Airlines Flight PR001.In his arrival speech at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2, the President said that the holding of the two forums […]

Aquino calls on ASEAN leaders to step up efforts on climate change

(Eagle News Service) — Saying that “natural disasters do not recognize national boundaries,” President Aquino has called on fellow ASEAN leaders to step up efforts in addressing climate change.Aquino made the pronouncement during his intervention at the 2nd ASEAN-US Summit, which is part of the 25th ASEAN Summit held at the Myanmar International Center on Thursday.Before ASEAN leaders and US President Barack Obama, President Aquino underscored the massive effect of climate change to the Philippines, […]

President Aquino asks ASEAN dialogue partners for support in resolving sea row

PRESIDENT Aquino stressed the need for  dialogue partners of member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to help resolve the territorial dispute in the West Philippine Sea.The President made this pronouncement during his intervention at the 2nd ASEAN-US Summit held at the Myanmar International Convention Center 1 here on Thursday.The summit was attended by US President Barack Obama and other leaders of ASEAN member states, among them Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, […]

Climate change high on the French agenda

As the host of COP 21 in December 2015, France has placed climate change among its foreign policy priorities. “With the upcoming visit of President Hollande, we hope to be able to open new areas for cooperation, as well as to strengthen our existing partnership in various sectors, and among them is the environment,” the French envoy said. The Embassy of France to the Philippines is committed to work together with the Philippines to address […]

Climate change on the agenda of French President’s visit to the Philippines in 2015

After President Aquino’s historic official visit to France as part of his European tour last September, French President François Hollande is expected to reciprocate it with a visit of his own to the Philippines next year. President Aquino’s visit to France from September 17 to 18, 2014 was the first visit of a Philippine head of state since 1994. Both heads of state discussed issues of mutual interest and witnessed the signing of three agreements […]