Other News

U.S. Ebola czar seeks to reverse government mistakes, step up response

(Reuters) – U.S. Ebola czar Ron Klain faces a hefty to-do list when he begins his new role: soothe Americans’ jitters about the virus, fix federal coordination with states, and restore a sense of control over the crisis that the White House had lost. Klain, a former senior aide in two Democratic administrations who is known for his keen political antenna, also must smooth over tensions with lawmakers who are angry about the government’s missteps and mixed […]

Prison for American soldiers

A member of the House of Representatives proposed for the establishment of a prison for American soldiers who commit crimes inside the Philippines, saying that the United States insists on keeping custody of said American soldiers due to the inhumane conditions of Philippine prisons.

Obama says Ebola travel ban could make things worse

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama on Saturday urged Americans to avoid hysteria over Ebola, and played down the idea of travel bans from Ebola-ravaged countries in West Africa, explaining that restrictions could make things worse. Lawmakers this week urged Obama to bar people from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea from entering the United States. Obama has said he is not philosophically opposed to travel bans, but in his weekly address made it clear that he is not […]