Other News

Suspected Ebola case on Air France flight in Madrid

(Reuters) – Madrid’s Barajas international airport activated emergency measures on Thursday after a passenger arriving on an Air France flight was suspected of possibly having Ebola, a spokeswoman for airports operator Aena said. Spain’s health ministry confirmed that an Ebola emergency protocol had been set in motion but declined to give details. Aena and Air France said in separate statements that a passenger on Air France 1300 from Lagos via Paris had started shaking during the flight. Air France […]

U.S. health official allowed new Ebola patient on plane with slight fever

(Reuters) – A second Texas nurse who has contracted Ebola told a U.S. health official she had a slight fever and was allowed to board a plane from Ohio to Texas, a federal source said on Wednesday, intensifying concerns about the U.S. response to the deadly virus. The nurse, Amber Vinson, 29, flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Monday, the day before she was diagnosed with Ebola, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Hong Kong leader hopes for fresh talks after night of clashes

(Reuters) – Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying sought to defuse tension with pro-democracy protesters on Thursday, saying he hopes the two sides can talk next week, but anger over police violence and continued street scuffles suggest the students are not about to give up. Leung was speaking after more than two weeks of protests that have paralyzed parts of the city and grabbed global headlines amid scenes of violent clashes and tear gas rising between […]

Diskusyon – Another crisis looms in 2015

Other than the much-publicized power crisis, summer 2015 may also see a water crisis due to the El Niño phenomenon. Pertinent government agencies are on the top of the problem because such crisis may result in the rise of water utility charges. In particular, Sevillo David Jr., Director of the National Water Resources Board added that they are monitoring the water levels of Angat Dam, said dam supplying 90% of water in Metro Manila. Prior […]