Other News

Diskusyon – Increased criminality nationwide alarms public (Part 2)

Indeed, the increase in number of crimes being committed in the country is a cause for alarm. An example is the rising occurrence of kidnap-for-ransom being posted in social media and text blasts. Even the Chinese-Filipino community is disturbed by these developments. According to the founder of Movement for Restoration of Peace and Order, Teresita Ang-See, just this January to August, 19 cases of kidnap-for-ransom were recorded in Metro Manila. Just last week, a retired […]

Diskusyon – Increased criminality nationwide alarms public (Part 1)

Indeed, the increase in number of crimes being committed in the country is a cause for alarm. An example is the rising occurrence of kidnap-for-ransom being posted in social media and text blasts. Even the Chinese-Filipino community is disturbed by these developments. According to the founder of Movement for Restoration of Peace and Order, Teresita Ang-See, just this January to August, 19 cases of kidnap-for-ransom were recorded in Metro Manila. Just last week, a retired […]

Philippines displays ancient maps to debunk China’s sea claims

(Reuters) – The Philippines on Thursday put on display dozens of ancient maps which officials said showed that China’s territorial claims over the South China Sea did not include a disputed shoal at the center of an acrimonious standoff. The Philippines is in dispute with China over parts of the South China Sea, including the Scarborough Shoal, an area believed to be rich in oil and natural gas as well as fisheries resources. China seized […]

Russia faces new U.S., EU sanctions over Ukraine crisis

(Reuters) – European Union governments agreed on Thursday to begin their new sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis on Friday but could lift them next month if Moscow abides by a fragile truce, while the United States prepared its own fresh sanctions. The steps are the latest by the United States and the EU following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March and what the West sees as an effort since then to further destabilize Ukraine by backing pro-Russian separatists with […]

NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover Arrives at Martian Mountain

(Courtesy NASA) Sept. 11, 2014  — NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover has reached the Red Planet’s Mount Sharp, a Mount-Rainier-size mountain at the center of the vast Gale Crater and the rover mission’s long-term prime destination. “Curiosity now will begin a new chapter from an already outstanding introduction to the world,” said Jim Green, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “After a historic and innovative landing along with its successful science […]