Other News

Apple to unveil iPhone 6 in August, earlier than expected: report

(Reuters) – Apple Inc will unveil the next incarnation of its popular iPhone series in August, one month earlier than industry watchers were generally expecting, Taiwanese media reported on Friday citing unidentified supply-chain sour ces. A 4.7-inch screen version of the iPhone 6 will reach stores in August, the Economic Daily News reported without specifying which markets would receive the phone first. A 5.5-inch or 5.6-inch model will be released in September, the newspaper said, as the iPhone 5 […]

Kiev tells east Ukraine rebels vote for self-rule would be catastrophe

(Reuters) – Ukrainian acting President Oleksander Turchinov told eastern regions gripped by a pro-Russian uprising that they would be courting catastrophe if they voted “yes” in a separatist referendum on Sunday. Turchinov, who deems the vote in the Russian-speaking Donetsk and Luhansk regions illegal, urged the population to accept “round table” talks on greater autonomy. But, in reference to fighters who have seized police and government buildings, he said “terrorists” could not be included. The […]

Myanmar gets ready to host Asean Summit

A surge of tension in the South China Sea threatens to widen divisions between Southeast Asian nations at the summit this weekend, posing a severe test for the host country, Myanmar, as the newly democratic country seeks to manage the region’s growing alarm over China.