Palace defends Faeldon’s appointment as OCD deputy; says he can do job while detained


Ex-Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon attending the preliminary investigation on the P6.4-billion drug shipment that slipped through the Customs Bureau in May. /Erwin Temperante/Eagle News Service/

(Eagle News) – Malacanang defended President Rodrigo Duterte’s appointment of former Customs Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon as deputy administrator III of the Office of Civil Defense, saying he still enjoys the President’s trust.

In a statement, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque also stressed that Faeldon’s appointment is the President’s “exclusive prerogative.”

“The President is the appointing authority and Mr. Faeldon, with his new appointment, certainly enjoys the Chief Executive’s trust and confidence,” Roque said.

“Mr. Faeldon can discharge his functions even while detained at the Senate,” he added.

Earlier, Senator Panfilo Lacson, a known critic of Faeldon, said that the former customs chief who is still detained at the Senate, may have to work via “remote control” from the Senate detention facility to discharge his function as deputy administrator of the Office of Civil Defense.

He said Faeldon continues to be detained following the contempt citation he got from the Senate last September.  This is for his refusal to attend Senate blue ribbon committee hearings on the controversial P6.4 billion shabu shipment that slipped through Customs during his time.

Lacson explained that Faeldon’s detention in the Senate will continue unless the Senate — acting as a collegial body — lifts the contempt citation against the former Customs chief.

“The Senate cannot also be dictated upon to release Faeldon from custody,” he said.