Palace welcomes Sen. Estrada’s arrest

According to Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda, Malacañang is of the stand that the Sandiganbayan’s arrest warrant against Senator Estrada is one step closer to finding the truth and that the Palace has no systematic plan to persecute the opposition.

MANILA, Philippines – Malacanang acknowledged the surrender of Senator Jinggoy Estrada as a “step forward” in the quest to find the truth regarding the controversial pork barrel scam.

Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda made the announcement regarding Senator Estrada’s surrender in connection with the plunder and graft charges filed before the Sandiganbayan.

Lacierda also called on the public to “remain vigilant” throughout the whole court process, referring to the trial that would follow after the surrender of two of the three senators who had been charged for alleged anomalous use of pork barrel funds.

“The issuance of this warrant is a step forward in finding out the truth, which is fundamental in strengthening the trust of our people in our institutions and processes,” he said.

Estrada is charged by the Sandiganbayan with one count of plunder and 11 counts of graft.

“As the Sandiganbayan works to fulfill its mandate, we ask the Filipino people to remain vigilant throughout this process, bearing in mind that the outcome should clearly reflect the profound reality—that just as every Filipino is accorded constitutional rights, these rights are to be protected in a manner that is just and in the service of the truth,” the Palace official said.

Lacierda also reacted to reports quoting Manila City Mayor Joseph Estrada as saying that the government is targeting the opposition one by one.

“What we have is a plan to bring to court those who have been found to have misused their PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund); and that would involve and affect anyone who has misused his funds, whether friend or foe.”

He cited as an example the case filed against “an ally of the President”, former Customs chief Ruffy Biazon, over the alleged misuse of his PDAF back when he was still a congressman.

“So, it is not true that we are only focusing on people who are against this administration. That is clearly not true,” he said.
Lacierda also welcomed reports that former Chief of Staff of Senator Juan Ponce Enrile and his chief of staff, Gigi Reyes, will also surrender.

“Any action by the respondents that will make the process expedited in terms of their voluntary surrender will certainly be welcomed because it expedites the whole process of securing their person,” he said.

Reyes was the alleged bagman of Senator Enrile, who has also been accused in the scam allegedly masterminded by businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles.