Philippines says some rebels ready to surrender as troops advance in Marawi

Philippine Army task force Marawi Spokesperson Colonel, Romeo Browner says some rebels ready to surrender as troops advance in Marawi. (Photo grabbed from Reuters video)

MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) — Some Islamic State-linked militants besieging the southern Philippines city of Marawi have sent “feelers” they are prepared to surrender after three and a half months of fighting, the military said on Monday (September 11).

Philippine army spokesman Colonel Romeo Browner told a news conference that forces have used loudspeakers urging militants to give themselves up, telling the estimated 50 to 60 fighters left in the city their lives would be spared if they disarm, change out of their black clothes and walk to a designated location.

The surrender offer came after a renewed, if short-lived, effort by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to start back-channel talks with militants, with a former Marawi mayor Omar Solitario Ali to have acted as an intermediary. Duterte on Saturday ruled out the possibility of allowing rebels to flee in exchange for the release of dozens of hostages.

The resistance of the militants has frustrated the more than 400,000 residents displaced from the area and raised questions about how relatively few Islamists took control of the lakeside town and held significant parts of it.