(Eagle News) — The Philippine National Police is eyeing to acquire over 30,000 body cameras for use of its police personnel nationwide.
The 32,136 cameras, PNP Chief Guillermo Eleazar said, will add to the 2,696 cameras that have already been distributed to police units.
According to Eleazar, his plan was to have the body cams used by policemen while serving court-issued search warrants to clear up allegations of irregularities in such operations.
He said this will serve as protection for both parties, the police operatives and the persons who are subjects of the warrant.
According to the Chief PNP, he has been in touch with the Supreme Court for this purpose.
A meeting was held last month between the police and the High Tribunal to discuss other matters as well.
So far, Eleazar said the police force was awaiting the guidance on the use of the body cameras from the High Court so that privacy concerns and other legal repercussions will be avoided.
““These body cameras will ensure transparency in police operations and, hopefully, put a stop to allegations that policemen are engaged in planting of evidence or even the summary execution of suspects,” Eleazar said.