President Duterte calls on Filipinos to fight corruption, criminality, terrorism in Bonifacio Day message

Photo courtesy Malacanang


(Eagle News) — President Rodrigo Duterte urged all Filipinos to fight for freedom from corruption, criminality and illegal drugs, as well as from terror and violence, in his message paying tribute to the “Father of the Philippine Revolution,” Andres Bonifacio.

“It was Andres Bonifacio who ignited the fires of revolt that led to the foundation of our nation and brought freedom to our people,” the President said.

He stressed that as the heirs of Bonifacio’s revolution, “it is our solemn obligation to bring life to his aspirations and usher in an era of civic consciousness and nationalism.”

“At a time when the future of our country is at stake, all of us are called to become actively involved in nation-building,” Duterte’s Bonifacio Day message read.

“Let us fight to free ourselves from the grasp of corruption, criminality and illegal drugs; to liberate our people from the clutches of terror and violence; and to preserve our ideals, values and way of life,” he said.

The President said that Filipinos should “never lose sight of our shared vision for a better and more progressive Philippines” even “as we strive to give a peaceful, orderly and comfortable life for all.”

“Like Bonifacio, let us light the flames of change that will bring about real and meaningful transformation in our nation. Mabuhay si Gat Andres Bonifacio at ang ating Inang Bayan!”

Bonifacio Day is a national public holiday that gives honor to one of the country’s greatest heroes, Andres Bonifacio, who was born on November 30, 1863.

Bonifacio, along with several others, in 1892, started the movement known as “Katipunan,” a secret revolutionary society against Spanish colonization of the Philippines.

(Eagle News Service)