President Duterte urges Filipinos to “uphold law, protect nation, foster goodwill” in Nat’l Heroes Day message

(Eagle News) — Uphold the law, protect the nation, and foster goodwill.

This was the message of President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday, as he enjoined Filipinos to commemorate the “life and works” of the country’s national heroes on the eve of National Heroes Day.

President Duterte said their “courage, leadership and wisdom,” after all, “paved the way for us to enjoy the blessings of freedom, independence and democracy.”

“They have dedicated their lives to ensure that future generations will have a life that is full and comfortable,” he said.

He urged the public to “emulate their example as we continue to realize our ideals and aspirations for ourselves and for our country.”

“Let us honor them by upholding the rule of law, protect our nation and foster goodwill among ourselves,” he said.