QC gov’t: Qualified families not included in SAP to receive P4000 each

(Eagle News)–The Quezon City government has approved over one billion in supplemental budget to help fund its fight against COVID-19.

In a statement, the local government said of the P1.43-billion third supplemental budget,  P750 million will go to SAP assistance, P200 million for the hazard pay of barangay frontliners, P150 million to the Kalingang QC financial assistance program and P280 million for relief goods.

According to the local government, with the approval, qualified families that were left out of the SAP will receive P4,000 cash assistance each from the city government.

The approval came after the local government appealed for the Department of Social Welfare and Development to give additional allocation to the city’s families under SAP.

The DSWD gave the city 377,584 Social Amelioration Cards, but the local government said there were 723,822 families in the city based on the 2015 census.

The total number of families in Quezon City, the city government said, may be significantly higher, based on estimates coming from the barangays.


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