Red Cross delivers food and medicine to besieged Syrian town

THE Red Cross said on Thursday (4 February) it had delivered food for more than 12,000 people to the besieged Syrian town of Mouadamiya near Damascus.

The supplies are enough for only three weeks and regular access was needed, the agency said.

Local resident Um Ahmad said she was in dire need of fuel to keep herself and her children warm.

“There is no source of heating, no firewood, my children and I are on the street all day to warm up in the sun. My seven-year-old daughter went back to school in this cold weather, we just need anything to feel warm, anything you can provide,” she said.

Medical supplies for 10,000 people were also brought into the town of 50,000 on Wednesday (3 February) on convoys of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Syrian Arab Red Crescent, it said in a statement.

The agency is seeking access to bring more aid to the besieged town of Madaya in rural Damascus and the villages of Foua and Kafraya in Idlib. (Reuters)

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