Secretary Andanar: Martial law question rhetorical only

File photo of Presidential Communications Office (PCO) Secretary Martin Andanar


(Eagle News) — Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said that President Rodrigo Duterte knew fully well the limits of his executive powers, and is not trying to undermine the Supreme Court at all.

Andanar said that the President’s remarks on martial law are merely rhetorical question.  He said it is under the context that the President’s anti-drug campaign cannot wait for the slow wheels of justice – PH style.

“We have an Action Man for a President who believes justice delayed is justice denied. He is the type, who at the onset of his presidency, simply wants to hit the ground running and rid society of drugs, crime, and corruption with urgency,” the presidential communications chief said.
Secretary Andanar also said that the President shall continue to fulfill his mandate “without undermining the constitutional separation of powers nor infringing upon the rights of citizens.”
“He is working very hard to deal with the drug menace head-on, by removing fear from among the civilians and bringing it back to the hearts of drug protectors, criminals and corrupt officials,” Secretary Andanar added.
He stressed that the naming of the judges on the list was part of the President’s primary concern of delivering effective action to the people.
“He is giving them every chance and opportunity to be prepared to defend themselves, clear their names if they are innocent, and alert the community of their involvement in drugs if they are guilty.
He also said that the President’s audacity will not be applauded by everybody, “but the President is putting his life, his honor, and the presidency at stake.”
“His love for the people is greater than his fear for his own life, or the fear of embarrassment, failure, or mistake,” Secretary Andanar said.
Judicial independence still observed
Secretary Andanar also said that the President believes in the rule of law and judicial independence, and that his words and actions all point to those.
“As President, he has the sworn duty to uphold and defend the Constitution… When the President referred the named judges on his consolidated list to the Supreme Court, he was acknowledging the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over the judges.
Andanar said that the President recognizes the separation of powers, and even asked the Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno not to create a constitutional crisis.
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