Sereno to attend oral arguments on quo warranto petition

By Moira Encina
Eagle News Service

Chief Justice on-leave Maria Lourdes Sereno will attend oral arguments on the quo warranto petition filed against her.

Jojo Lacanilao, one of Sereno’s spokespersons, said Sereno will appear before her colleagues on April 10 and “engage them.”

“We believe that Solicitor General (Jose) Calida is wrong in filing the petition,” Lacanilao said, reiterating that the “appropriate measure” to remove the Chief Justice was via impeachment.

“We hope that the SC will actually find the petition has no merit at all,” he said.

Sereno has been on leave since March 1.

An impeachment complaint has also been filed against Sereno, who has shunned House hearings on the complaint filed by lawyer Larry Gadon.