Several senators call for resignation of NFA administrator Aquino amid reports of zero NFA buffer rice stocks

Palace says overall rice supply in country was “more than sufficient, with plenty to spare”

(Eagle News) — Senators on Tuesday called for the resignation of National Food Authority administrator Jason Aquino following reports the National Food Authority no longer had buffer rice stocks.

In a statement, Senator Grace Poe said  NFA Administrator Aquino “should be replaced by somebody who has the capability and track record to efficiently run the agency.”

“This is the first time that we experienced this and we cannot afford to repeat this scenario.”

Senator Bam Aquino, for his part, said other top NFA officials should resign from their posts “for their incompetence that led to the total depletion of its rice reserve… forcing Filipino families to settle for costly rice in the market.”

“If there is indeed a zero percent buffer of rice, this is an indication of the inefficiency of his leadership,” Poe said.

Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Menardo Guevarra, meanwhile, said there was no need to “panic” as overall rice supply in the country was “more than sufficient, with plenty to spare,” despite the reports.


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